Traffic arrangements during the National Flag Day Parade of the Finnish Defence Forces in Helsinki on 3–4 June 2017

The National Flag Day Parade of the Finnish Defence Forces on 4 June 2017 will cause changes in traffic, parking and public transportation in Helsinki. To avoid congestion, people are requested to walk or use public transportation in the city centre during the parade.
Arrangements for the parade will start in the centre of Helsinki on Saturday 3 June.
The majority of parade troops, vehicles and materiel will be transported to Santahamina, Hanasaari and Kansalaistori square in Helsinki during Saturday 3 June. Troops will depart from Helsinki during the afternoon and evening on Sunday 4 June. Transportation from garrisons to Helsinki and back will take place via Hämeenlinnanväylä (E12), Lahdenväylä (E75) and Porvoonväylä (E18).
There will be most significant changes in traffic and parking on the Senate Square and in its surroundings on Mariankatu, Kirkkokatu and Mannerheimintie, in Kaisaniemi and Mäntymäki fields, on Kansalaistori square and in the South Harbour area.
Parking and traffic restrictions in Helsinki
The City of Helsinki will restrict parking in Kruunuhaka between 6 am and 12 noon and in the Mäntymäki field parking area between 9 am and 4 pm on 4 June. No-parking signs will be placed on Kirkkokatu and Mariankatu and in the Mäntymäki field parking area.
The police and the military police will restrict and control traffic in the centre of Helsinki in Kaisaniemi, the Senate Square and Hanasaari, starting from 9 am on 4 June.
Kirkkokatu, Mariankatu and Aleksanterinkatu will be closed from traffic, starting from 9 am on 4 June. Mannerheimintie will be closed from traffic from the Simonkatu and Kaivokatu crossing to the Runeberginkatu and Helsinginkatu crossing, starting from 12:30 pm.
Motorised marches of parade troops to Helsinki
Parade vehicles and troops from different units will transfer to Santahamina in the mornings of 3–4 June via Ring Road 1 – Itäväylä – Linnanrakentajantie – Laajasalontie – Santahaminantie.
Troops of the Armoured Brigade will transfer to Helsinki on 3 June via Highway 3 – Ring Road 1 – Itäväylä – Herttoniemi – Santahamina.
Troops of the Pori Brigade will transfer to Helsinki on 3 June via Säkylä/Niinisalo – Helsinki – Ring Road 1 – Itäväylä – Herttoniemi – Santahamina.
The Satakunta Air Command unit will transfer to Helsinki on 3 June via Highway 3 – Ring Road 1 – Itäväylä – Herttoniemi – Santahamina.
Troops of the Utti Jaeger Regiment will transfer to Helsinki on 3 June via Utti – Highway 6 – E18 – E75 – Ring Road 1 – Itäväylä – Herttoniemi – Santahamina.
Troops of the Karelia Brigade will transfer to Helsinki on 3 June via Highway 15 – Highway 6 – E18 – E75 – Ring Road 1 – Itäväylä – Herttoniemi – Santahamina.
Transfer of vehicles for the materiel display
The majority of the materiel on display on Kansalaistori square on 4 June will be transported to Santahamina on 3 June and, from there, to Kansalaistori square during the evening.
The materiel will be removed from the display area after 6 pm on 4 June. The crossing Mannerheimintie - Töölönlahdenkatu will be closed to traffic as of 10.00 on Sunday 4 June due to the materiel exhibit in the Kansalaistori square.
Traffic arrangements during the review of troops and pass in review on 4 June
Before the review of troops on the Senate Square, marching parade troops will assemble in the Kaisaniemi field, where they will be transported from Santahamina on buses. starting from 9:30 am. The buses will wait for the end of the pass in review in the Mäntymäki field.
After the review of troops, marching parade troops will transfer from the Senate Square to Aleksanterinkatu via Unioninkatu and further to Mannerheimintie to the Simonkatu and Kaivokatu crossing, from where the pass in review starts.
Motorised parade troops will transfer from Santahamina to Hanasaari, starting from 9 am, from where they will transfer to Mariankatu and Kirkkokatu for the pass in review.
The pass in review will start from the Simonkatu and Kaivokatu crossing on Mannerheimintie at 1:30 pm and proceed towards the Helsinki Music Centre. The pass in review will be reviewed in front of the Helsinki Music Centre.
After the pass in review, marching troops will transfer via Mannerheimintie to the Mäntymäki field, from where they will depart on buses.
Motorised parade troops will return to their home garrisons after the pass in review.
Heavy materiel will be loaded on low-bed trailers on Mannerheimintie.
After the pass in review, some vehicles will transfer to the Mäntymäki field, where they will be loaded onto transportation vehicles.
More information about traffic arrangements and temporary public transportation arrangements will also be given by the Helsinki Regional Transport Authority ( and the City of Helsinki (