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Display flights will be observable off Seinäjoki at 17:00-18:00

Publication date 25.5.2018 10.23
Press release

Air Force and Army display flights featuring the NH90 transport helicopter, F/A-18 Hornet multipurpose fighter, and the Midnight Hawks aerobatic team will take place prior to the concert on the Parade Day.

The display flights will begin with the Army NH90 helicopter.

In addition, the solo flight of an Air Force F/A-18 Hornet multipurpose fighter will be featuring Hornet talent under the command of Captain Lauri Mäkinen.

The display flights will be concluded by the Air Force’s display team, the Midnight Hawks, performing aerobatic movements both in their trademark close diamond formation and in other detachment formations as well.

All display flights will be observable off the city centre area.

The flypast and display flights of the parade day will remain subject to weather conditions.

