The Netherlands Chief of Defence visited Finland

Defence Forces
Publication date 12.12.2024 15.41
Type:Press release

The Netherlands Chief of Defence, General Onno Eichelsheim, visited Finland on 11–12 December 2024. The visit was hosted by the Commander of the Finnish Defence Forces, General Janne Jaakkola.

The topics discussed during the visit included Finnish conscription, the comprehensive security model and the situation in Ukraine. As part of the comprehensive security theme, the commanders visited the European Centre of Excellence for Countering Hybrid Threats and the National Emergency Supply Agency.  

The programme included a meeting with Minister of Defence Antti Häkkänen and visits to the Air Command and the Air Force Academy. The visit to the Air Command was hosted by the Commander of the Air Force, Major General Timo Herranen.

Domestic technologies and innovations as part of defence development

As the demands of the battlefield continue to increase, so do the needs for defence development.
Technological advantage and the exploitation of new innovations are improving our ability to respond to traditional and new threats.

One of the topics of General Eichelsheim's visit to Finland was to learn about Finnish technology and innovations. During the visit, the technology company Reaktor and the space technology company ICEYE presented their operations. Reaktor and ICEYE are examples of so-called dual-use manufacturers, producing products for both defence and civilian markets.