Research bulletin on the implications of the Russo-Ukraine war for the security of Finland and Latvia

Finnish Defence Research Agency
Publication date 7.2.2024 8.52
Type:Press release

This research bulletin looks into the effects of Russia's aggressive foreign policy on the security of Latvia and Finland.

The full-scale Russo-Ukraine war launched on 24 February 2022 will dramatically change global and European security in the long term. This study aims to analyse how Russia's aggressive foreign policy will affect the security of Latvia and Finland.

The authors of this study represent Russian studies in Latvia and Finland and therefore aim to look together as Russia's neighbours at the future of Russia in an increasingly tense global security context. Russia pursues irredentist policies; therefore, Russia's neo-imperial ambitions put Finland and Latvia at risk because they both have been a part of the Russian Empire, and the Soviet Union occupied Latvia. 

Based on the analysis of Russia's future scenarios the study summarises the ideas of the possible development trajectories of Russia and answers the research question: what actions Finland and Latvia should take to mitigate national security risks posed by Russia in the future?

2024:2 The Russo-Ukraine War: the implications for the security of Finland and Latvia

Additional information

Principal Scientist, MA Sari Voinoff.

Previous research bulletins can be found here.