Pass-in Review on Jätkänkynttilä Bridge at 1:15 pm

Defence Forces
Publication date 28.5.2019 17.06 | Published in English on 29.5.2019 at 13.37
Type:Press release

The pass-in review of the National Parade on the Flag Day of the Finnish Defence Forces will take place on Jätkänkynttilä Bridge in Rovaniemi commencing at 1:15 pm. The ready line of the pass-in review will be located next to Ounaspuistikko Park.

Paraatin ohimarssissa on mukana joukkoja kaikista puolustushaaroista, Rajavartiolaitoksesta, Maanpuolustuskorkeakoulusta sekä veteraani- ja maanpuolustusjärjestöistä. Kuva: puolustusvoimat

The parade pass-in review will include more than 1000 persons, 48 vehicles and Air Force and Army aircraft. Troops from all services, the Border Guard, National Defence University as well as veteran and national defence organisations will take part. The pass-in review will begin in the traditional way with the detachments marching on foot, followed by motorised units.

The pass-in review will be conducted from the city centre towards Ounasvaara. Patrons are advised to arrive early and take their places on the north side of Toripuistikko Park and Jätkänkynttilä Bridge to watch the parade.

The parade reviewing officer will be Major General Pasi Jokinen, Commander of the Finnish Air Force, accompanied by Mayor of Rovaniemi Esko Lotvonen, and War veteran Jorma Savukoski. The Parade troops will be commanded by Brigadier General Jari Mikkonen, Chief of Staff Air Force Command Finland.

Welcome to the pass-in review!

Order of pass-in review detachments

Order of detachments on foot

Parade commander
Swallow-tailed state flag
Jaeger Flag
Veterans' mass standards
Air Force Colour Party, Air Force Academy and a flypast (4 x F/A-18 Hornet multirole fighter and 4 x BAE Systems Hawk jet trainer)
Army Colour Party, Jaeger Brigade
Navy Colour Party, Coastal Brigade
Lapland Air Command
National Defence University
Karelia Air Command
Kainuu Brigade
Utti Jaeger Regiment
Lapland Border Guard District (230)
Local defence company
Peacekeepers’ Association
Soldier's Home Association
National Defence Training Association of Finland
Women's National Emergency Preparedness Association
Women's National Defence Union
Massed standards of national defence organisations, Lapland Reserve District

Motorised units

Flypast (4 x NH90 Transport helicopter and 2 - 4 x Hughes MD500 Light utility helicopter)

1. Kainuu Brigade

2 x All-terrain motorbike
2 x All-terrain vehicle
4 x All-terrain carriers (anti-aircraft machine gun ITKK, heavy NLAW)
2 x Main battle tank Leopard 2A4
2 x Radio vehicle with Communication Station E
2 x Scania 8x8 (pontoon treatment device + pontoon 15)
2 x Unimog 4x4 (Faster-boat)
2 x 120KRH All-terrain carrier
2 x Cargo All-terrain carrier
2 x Command post vehicle
2 x All-terrain truck + 155 K 83-97 - field gun
2 x All-terrain truck 8x8 (Ammunition)
2 x MB Sprinter, Command vehicle B
2 x MB Actros
2 x Radio vehicle with Communication station A

2. Utti Jaeger Regiment

2 x All-terrain motorbike
2 x ATV
4 x RG32 Patrol vehicle

3. Armoured Brigade

K9 Thunder 20 howitzer

4. Pori Brigade

Heavy rocket launcher 298 RSRAKH 06

5. Jaeger Brigade

Surface -to-air missile 90M (ITO90M) Crotale

6. Lapland Air Command

1 x Unimog Tow truck
1 x Scania Vacuum vehicle
1 x Scania Tanker vehicle
1 x Search and rescue command vehicle + Trailer (ATV)
1 x 6x6 Search and rescue vehicle
1 x KEVA 2010 Medium-range surveillance radar