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Soldiers patrolling in a common crisis management situation

Finland's participation in crisis management

Military crisis management is one of the Defence Forces' statutory tasks.

Finland's participation in military crisis management is governed by our Act on Military Crisis Management. Finland can take part in an operation that secures or restores international peace and security. In addition, Finland can participate in crisis management that has humanitarian goals or seeks to protect a civilian population.

Conditions under which Finland can participate in an operation:

  • the operation promotes peace and security
  • the president's decision, the Government's and Parliament's support
  • in principle a UN Security Council resolution on the execution of an operation
  • in exceptional circumstances the possibility to participate in other operations as well, for e.g. as part of an EU battlegroup.

Finns in crisis management tasks

Finland has taken part in over 30 peacekeeping and crisis management operations since 1956. An operation and its execution can be led by the UN or the OSCE, but also by NATO, the EU or an individual nation.

Serving in a crisis management task is optional. Both regular personnel and reservists serve in operations. According to the law, a maximum of 2,000 Finns may serve in operations at any one time.

Finland contributes to the following operations: