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 Naval soldiers stand in the form on a ship's deck

Corporate social responsibility

The Defence Forces’ tasks support the sustainable development of our society.

Through our activities, we ensure the security of our society and neighbouring regions. This in turn fosters sustainable development.

Our aim is to implement our activities in a socially, economically and ecologically sustainable manner. The Defence Forces play a central role in the social contract on the sustainable development of the defence administration "The Finland we want in 2050". Our commitment includes promises regarding how these objectives are to be achieved.

We pledge to

  • offer a motivating military service so that around 85% of those who begin their military service will also actually stay and complete their military service
  • reduce health and security risks as well as the number of accidents by a quarter, our aim being zero accidents
  • minimise and prevent our environmental impact by choosing and developing solutions that are optimal for the environment
  • using out materiel more effectively by choosing durable goods, paying close attention to the way our materiel is stored and prolonging its life cycle.
