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Defence Command Intelligence Division

The Intelligence Division is responsible of military intelligence matters in the Finnish Defence Forces. It is in charge of the military intelligence function and is responsible for the use of intelligence capabilities.

The Intelligence Division provides strategic and operational advance warnings. It leads the development of military intelligence systems and coordinates military intelligence information gathering and processing.

Military intelligence is a national function of the Finnish Defence Forces. In Finland military intelligence operates on the basis of general legislation as it pertains to the Finnish Defence Forces. The tasks of military intelligence include

  • monitor the changes in the security environment and draft estimates about it to support the decision-making of the state and the Finnish Defence Forces.
  • provide a strategic and operational advance warning of military threats facing Finland to all levels of decision-making.
  • support other authorities by detecting threats and warning about external supranational threats caused by military activities or other activities comparable to it.
  • prevent and expose intelligence gathering activities directed at the Finnish Defence Forces
  • prevent crimes that may endanger military national defence
  • support decision-making related to crisis management operations and to enhance the Finnish crisis management forces' activities and force protection.

It is also the Designated Security Authority (DSA) within the Defence Forces.