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A group photo of Defense Forces personnel on the stairs. Pictured are soldiers as well as civilians, women and men

The Personnel Division of Defence Command Finland

The Personnel Division steers the Defence Forces' personnel system, human resources management, human resources planning, recruitment of personnel and training within the field of human resources.

It prepares appointments to posts and postings, the award nominations for different Orders and is responsible for the Finnish Defence Forces employment collective activities and the terms of service in the Defence Forces. The Personnel Division steers matters relating to military music, travel administration, employee housing, recreational areas and military museum operations.

The Defence Forces personnel strategy outlines the development of the FDF's personnel structure, outline for personnel management and means to develop the competence and knowledge of employees.

Division leadership

The Personnel Division is lead by the Adjutant General who is in charge of the personnel branch of the Finnish Defence Forces and the direct superior of the Director of the Defence Forces Shared Services Centre. He is in charge of developing of the personnel system and the planning of personnel-related activities.