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Weapons of mass destruction control

Weapons of mass destruction are chemical, biological and nuclear weapons. 

A chemical weapon denotes toxic chemicals and their precursors contained in a delivery system, such as a projectile or device designed to cause intentional death through its toxic properties, and devices intended for such use with specific projectiles and equipment. A biological weapon refers to the weaponised use of live microbes or other biological agents or toxins of any origin by means of a weaponised agent and its delivery mechanism.

The treaties that concern chemical and biological weapons are set in the wider context of preparedness to counter CBRNE threats that refer to hazards caused by chemical (C), biological (B), radiological (R), and nuclear agents (N), and explosives (E), and by relating misuse of competence.

By definition weapons of mass destruction, nuclear weapons derive their destructive power from atomic fission or nuclear fusion. Ever since their invention, nuclear weapons have remained the central focus of international relations and arms control. Finland actively supports non-proliferation of nuclear weapons and disarmament of weapons of mass destruction.