Finnish Army to participate in the exercise Trident Juncture 18 in Sweden and Norway

Publication date 10.10.2018 13.50
Type:Press release
Two soldiers shaking hands

The Finnish Army will partake in the exercise Trident Juncture 18 in Norway and Sweden at the turn of October and November. The training objective entails enhancing international interoperability and capability for national defence of the Finnish Army.

Organised mainly in Norway from 25 October 2018 to 7 November 2018, the exercise Trident Juncture 18 will have training exercise troops be on the move also in areas of Sweden and Finland. In total, altogether approximately 2,400 persons will attend this training exercise from Finland.

The Finnish Army will participate in the training exercise both in Norway and Sweden. The main part of the Finnish Army’s training exercise troops will be from the Pori Brigade with its contribution of 250 persons. Trained for the purposes of the Finnish Rapid Deployment Force, a Jaeger Company will undergo training in the structure of a Swedish Battalion as part of a Swedish Brigade. The primary equipment of the Finnish Army’s training exercise troops will incorporate Patria XA-203 armoured personnel carriers.

Participation in this training exercise will develop the interoperability of the Finnish Army and of the Swedish Army on a number of organizational levels in activities ranging from standardized troop procedures to the utilisation of set combatant-specific equipment and ordnance in the context of conducting versatile missions.

– Our primary objective in this training exercise involves honing cooperating skills in demanding multinational circumstances as well as applying standardised tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs). This includes accounting for troop movement, joint training and operating as well as sustained leading and combat support by means of service branches, Lieutenant Colonel Tapio Huhtamella, Commander of the Finnish Army’s training exercise troops points out.

The most substantial Nato training exercise organised this year, the exercise Trident Juncture 18 carries the characterisation of a High Visibility Exercise, HVE. Finland will partake in this exercise as a Nato PfP country. Participation in the exercise Trident Juncture 18 is in accordance with the Finnish Defence Forces’ annual plan.

Follow the exercise by the Finnish Defence Forces’ site available online at and on social media (#TridentJuncture)

A camouflaged tank drives on the road