Research Bulletin On war and perception of war in Russian thinking

Finnish Defence Research Agency
Publication date 30.5.2016 12.33
Type:Press release

The Nature of armed conflict has been in constant change after the turn of the millenium. We experienced a short period of euphoric thoughts which promised and convinced us to think that possibility of armed conflict in European heartland was close to zero. According to author this has proven to be false perception.

Reserch Bulletin of the Finnish Defence Research Establisment 3/2016 : On war and perception of war in Russian thinking discusses on  Russian perception on war, reasons for wars, the concept of legitimate war in Russian perspective, historical changes in attitudes towards war, Russian perception of conflict and armed battle today and hybrid warfare from the Russian military-theoretical point of view.

Research Bulletin 2016:3 On war and perception of war in Russian thinking

LtCol (GS), PhD (Military Science) Petteri Lalu is the Head of Concepts & Doctrine Division of Finnish Defence Research Agency (FDRA).
email: petteri.lalu(at)

Translation from a Finnish original
MA Antti Hujala, Finnish Defence Research Agency, Concepts & Doctrine Division