Finland to take part in Exercise Steadfast Jupiter 2021

Defence Forces
Publication date 11.10.2021 14.42
Type:Press release

Finland will take part in the NATO-led command-post exercise, Steadfast Jupiter 2021, held 19th–28th of October 2021.

Command-post exercise Steadfast Jupiter 2021 (STJU21), held 91th–28th of October 2021, will be led by NATO's Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE). Approximately 30 staff officers from the Finnish Defence Forces will be participating in the exercise. About one third of the officers will be working in Stavanger, Norway, and the rest as liaison officers in various NATO command structures. 

Finland is participating in the exercise as a partner nation. The exercise offers Finland an opportunity to train inter-staff cooperation with NATO during disruptions in normal conditions, while at the same time providing the opportunity to develop cooperation with many of Finland's key partner countries and organizations that are participating in the exercise.

According to the Government Defence Report published in early September: “Finland is strengthening its defence cooperation and developing its ability to act together with its key partners in all security situations affecting Finland.   Finland must be able, subsequent to a separate decision, to act together with its key partners under all circumstances.”

In December 2020, the Ministry of Defence confirmed exercise Steadfast Jupiter 2021 to be included in the Defence Forces’ international exercise schedule in 2021.