Commander of the USAREUR-AF 21st TSC Visits Logistics Command

Finnish Defence Forces Logistics Command
Publication date 25.4.2023 15.18
Type:Press release
Prikaatikenraali Saarinen, kenraalimajuri Smith ja kenraalimajuri Mikkonen ryhmäkuvassa.
Yhdysvaltain maavoimien 21st TSC:n komentaja kenraalimajuri Smithin (keskellä) vierailua Puolustusvoimien logistiikkalaitokseen isännöivät pääesikunnan logistiikkapäällikkö prikaatikenraali Timo Saarinen (vasemmalla) ja logistiikkalaitoksen johtaja kenraalimajuri Jari Mikkonen (oikealla).

Major General James M. Smith, the Commander of the US Army Europe and Africa’s 21st Theater Sustainment Command visited Finnish Defence Forces Logistics Command from 24 to 25 April 2023.

The visit was hosted by Major General Jari Mikkonen, Commander of the Finnish Defence Forces Logistics Command (FDFLOGCOM) and Brigadier General Timo Saarinen, Finnish Defence Forces Chief of Logistics. During the visit that took place in the Pirkanmaa region, Maj Gen Smith was briefed about the FDFLOGCOM’s mission, the Finnish Defence Forces logistics system, international logistics and the Finnish concept of Security of supply.

21st Theater Sustainment Command U.S. Army Europe and Africa's lead organization for all sustainment activities. Based in Kaiserslautern, Germany, 21st TSC is responsible for providing sustainment activities and logistics support to US and Nato member nation troops in the USAREUR-AF’s area of responsibility.

21st Theater Sustainment Command website

Maj Gen Smith’s CV