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Hamina Tattoo 2024

The next Hamina Tattoo will take place from 29th of July to 3rd of August 2024. 

The international Hamina Tattoo is a military music festival which has already become a tradition. The historical fortress town of Hamina creates a magnificent setting for the event. During the Tattoo week, the streets and parks of the town are filled with audiences which can enjoy the concerts, parade and fantastic March Shows by the military bands.

Hamina Tattoo can also be seen and heard in Helsinki on Monday 29th July at 12.00 o’clock. Come and get a feel of the march shows of the Hamina Tattoo in the Mini-Tattoo arranged at the Senate Square in Helsinki. Free entry.

The next Hamina Tattoo will take place from 29th of July to 3rd of August 2024. Tickets from

More information can be found on