Interagency cooperation helps keep society safe during emergency conditions

Defence Command
Publication date 28.3.2020 0.17
Press release

The Defence Forces supports other authorities during this difficult situation. Because of the circumstances of the Coronavirus epidemic, the Finnish Defence Forces provides assistance to ensure the safety of society during emergency conditions.In this situation caused by the Coronavirus, we are providing assistance to the Finnish Police to isolate the Region of Uusimaa.

The Defence Forces supports the Police with 40 professional soldiers and 750 conscripts. We will form Executive Assistance Detachments that consists of conscripts, led by regular, salaried personnel of the Finnish Defence Forces. These detachments will assist in tasks led by the Finnish Police. The Finnish Army prepares to send troops from various units, including Karelia Brigade, the Armoured Brigade, Pori Brigade and the Guard Jaeger Regiment. If necessary, the Navy will send troops from Nyland Brigade and the Coastal Brigade.

According to the law, conscripts may be used for certain executive assistance tasks, including traffic control and isolating a location or an area. Conscripts cannot participate in dangerous tasks while providing support to other authorities.

In addition to the Police, the Defence Forces is also supporting other authorities. We have provided transport assistance to the Border Guard for operational needs. We have also offered transportation assistance during logistics flights, in cooperation with the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, for personnel of other administrative branches who are returning from crisis management duties. 

The Centre for Military Medicine has supported the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) by providing personnel and equipment resources.  

Supporting other authorities is one of the statutory tasks of the Finnish Defence Forces. Cooperation with other authorities is rehearsed many times every year, for example during local defence exercises. The Finnish Defence Forces assists other authorities hundreds of times every year.

In addition to executive assistance tasks, we maintain the capability for surveillance of territorial integrity and capability to secure territorial integrity, and the readiness for military national defence.