Posti Parcel Points Tested in Kainuu and Karelia Brigades in 2021
Finnish Defence Forces Logistics Command
Publication date
| Published in English on 23.2.2021 at 11.17
Press release
In February 2021, Finnish Defence Forces Logistics Command and Posti launched a 12-month test for a new method of delivering postal parcels to conscripts. Posti Parcel Points cabinets have been installed to Sotilaskoti canteens in Kainuu and Karelia Brigades.
Posti Parcel Points offer Finnish conscripts a new way to receive and send personal parcels during military service. The Parcel Points can be selected as a pick-up point for delivery of online orders or as a sending point for letters or postal parcels.
Parcel Points are located in restricted areas and only conscripts are authorized to use them. Parcels delivered through the Parcel Points undergo a security screening.