Publication date 20.12.2024 11.55
Press release

Finnish peacekeepers,

This past year has once again demonstrated the importance of your work. Wars in Europe, neighbouring areas and the world continue, constantly changing our international operating environment. The situation in the Middle East in particular has escalated and affected the preconditions for peacekeeping in the region.

Crisis management operations are always difficult and complex. The operating conditions are demanding and change all the time. Therefore, succeeding in your missions requires continuous adaptation and great flexibility. The burden of uncertainty that overshadows your work is also heavy to bear for your loved ones. Despite the challenges, you have maintained a good spirit and high readiness to act. We can rely on the competence you have gained through your training even when it seems difficult to achieve peace.

If we do not talk about peace, it will never be achieved. But the work you do for peace talks louder than any words. You put yourself in danger to make the world around us safer. The whole of Finland can be proud of you as you continue our peacekeeping tradition that reaches back eight decades. We need you more today than ever before.

Thank you all for your valuable service for peace. I wish you and your loved ones very merry Christmas. And more peaceful New Year 2025.


Alexander Stubb

President of the Republic of Finland

Message from the President of the Republic of Finland