The Movement Coordination Centre Europe (MCCE) is a consortium of NATO and European Union member states. Its mission is to plan and coordinate the strategic land, sea and air military transports of its member states.
On 14 November 2024, the MCCE leadership visited the Finnish Defence Forces Logistics Command Headquarters in Tampere. The Movement Coordination Centre Finland (FINMCC), which is a part of the headquarters of the FDF Logistics Command HQ, is responsible for the planning, execution and ordering of the Finnish Defence Forces' strategic transports. It is the MCCE's main cooperation partner in the Finnish Defence Forces.
The MCCE visiting team was led by Colonel Gioacchino Cassara, the Director of the MCCE, and hosted by Colonel Mauri Etelämäki, Deputy Chief of Operations of Finnish Defence Forces Logistics Command. During the visit, the participants discussed, among other things, Finland's military logistics needs, the current status of MCCE cooperation and the development of logistics cooperation between different member states using the agreements and cooperation models of the MCCE arrangement.
The Movements Coordination Centre Europe (MCCE) is based in Eindhoven, Netherlands and it comprises 30 NATO and European Union member states. Finland has been a member of MCCE since it was founded in 2007.