The Sea Connects - National Parade of the Flag Day of the Finnish Defence Forces in Hanko

The National Parade of the Flag Day of the Finnish Defence Forces will be held in Hanko on 4 June 2024. In addition to a review of troops and pass in review, the programme also includes an equipment display, boat rides, an aerobatic air display and a MILjazz Tour concert, among other things. Admission to the events is free.
This year, the Finnish Navy is in charge of the parade preparations, and the theme is: The Sea Connects. The sea is a perpetual passageway which connects allies, logistics streams and activities in the maritime environment, and close cooperation by all the Services is required in operations involving maritime defence.
The parade will be reviewed by Commander of the Finnish Navy, Rear Admiral Tuomas Tiilikainen. The field devotional will be held by Senior Chaplain Paavo Ranta, and the parade troops will be commanded by the Chief of Staff of the Navy Command, Commodore Jukka Anteroinen.
Troops totalling around 1200 persons, 40 vehicles and 10 aircraft from the Army, Navy and Air Force, the National Defence University and veterans’ and national defence organisations will take part in the parade.
This is the first Naval Parade to be held in conjunction with a Flag Day, and it will take place off the city of Hanko on 3 June 2024. A compilation of the Naval Parade will be seen on 4 June in Yle broadcasts and Defence Forces releases.
Review of troops at Rukki Arena, pass in review on Appelgrenintie
The review of troops will be held at 12.00 at Rukki Arena where the parade troops will start gathering to take their positions starting from 11.30.
The pass in review conducted on Appelgrenintie starting at 13.15 will include 40 vehicles in addition to marching detachments. The parade will be reviewed in front of the Casino. The pass in review can be followed on Appelgrenintie.
The flypast conducted with the pass in review will include Army NH90 transport helicopters and Hughes MD500 light helicopters as well as Air Force F/A-18 Hornet multirole fighters and Hawk jet trainers.
Displaying equipment, aerobatic displays and a MILjazz concert
The public will have an opportunity to spend the day exploring the versatile equipment display of the Defence Forces and other authorities at the Eastern Harbour where rides on board a Jurmo-class vessel will also be organized for the public. At Troolisatama fishing harbour, you will get an opportunity to take a look at Navy vessels.
In the afternoon at 15.30, aerobatics team Midnight Hawks will hold an air show. The best place to watch the air display is the Eastern Harbour area. All display flights and vessel rides on the Parade Day will be subject to weather conditions.
The day comes to a climax with a concert included in the Defence Forces MILjazz Tour programme taking place at the Hanko Casino Park. The first group to get up on stage is the Navy Band Entertainment Orchestra with Irina as their soloist. The Air Force Big Band and Sami Pitkänen will be next in turn. The concert will be finalized by the Defence Forces Conscript Band’s Show Band.
The parade will affect the traffic in Hanko.
It is advisable to avoid using one's own car in the Hanko city centre at the time of the parade events, as some streets and areas will be completely reserved for the parade. The public is asked to arrive early enough on foot, by bicycle or public transportation.
You can park your car in the parking area of the Orionintie truck park, from where free bus transportation during the day will be organized to the day’s events.
Some parade preparations will start at the venues on 2 June already. Some of the parade troops will arrive at Hanko on 3 June.
More specific information on the traffic arrangements will be provided on Week 22. Information about traffic arrangements will also be compiled on the Defence Forces and City of Hanko websites.
The Defence Forces wishes the public welcome to Hanko to follow the events of the day.
Programme for the Parade Day:
08.00 Raising of the flag at Troolisatama fishing harbour
09.30 Wreath laying ceremony at the Soldiers’ Grave at Hanko’s New Cemetery
10.00 Church service in Hanko Church
10.00-19.00 Equipment display at the Eastern Harbour
11.00-19.00 Navy vessel display at Troolisatama fishing harbour
11.30 Parade troops begin to gather for the review of troops at Rukki Arena
12.00 Review of troops at Rukki Arena
13.15 Pass in review on Appelgrenintie
15.30 Air display by Midnight Hawks at the Eastern Harbour / off the City of Hanko
18.00 MilJazz park concert at the Casino Park
You can also follow the Parade Day events online on the Defence Forces channels:
X @Puolustusvoimat