British AH-64E Apache attack helicopters to operate from Pirkkala Air Base

Satakunta Air Wing will host the British Army’s AH-64E Apache attack helicopters between 25 April and 19 May 2024. The helicopters will participate in the Arrow 24 exercise led by the Armoured Brigade.
The Finnish Army will carry out exercise activities across Finland between the end of April and the beginning of June. The Finnish Air Force will support the Army’s exercises during the spring by hosting Allied helicopter detachments in Finnish air bases. The Army mechanized exercise Arrow 24, led by the Armoured Brigade, will involve British attack, multirole and transport helicopters. The exercise will take place at the Pohjankangas firing range and training area in Niinisalo.
The helicopter detachment operating from Pirkkala Air Base will consist of six British Army AH-64E Apache attack helicopters and approximately 130 soldiers. Satakunta Air Wing will provide host nation support to the deployed helicopter detachment.
The helicopters will fly from Pirkkala Air Base daily, mostly between 8 am and 4 pm. The flights are mainly directed to the Pohjankangas firing range and training area in Niinisalo. During the Finnish Army’s exercise activity in the spring, helicopter operations will also take place in other parts of Finland.
More information about Army exercises and helicopter flight activity: