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Finland to conduct evaluation visit in the Netherlands and inspection in Belgium

Publication date 12.6.2017 8.59
Press release

Finland will conduct a confidence- and security-building evaluation conform to the Vienna Document 2011 in the Netherlands and an inspection in Belgium between 12-16 June 2017.

The evaluation and inspection team will be led by Lieutenant Colonel Vesa Mäntylä from Defence Command Finland. An officer from Belarus will also participate.

The purpose of the evaluation visit is to verify the correctness of information given earlier in 2017. The subject of the evaluation visit is the Defence Helicopter Command in Rijen.

The aim of the inspection is to verify that there are no military activities in the specified area in Belgium that are subject to prior notification according to the Vienna Document. The area includes approximately 50 percent of the entire area of Belgium, and army and air force headquarters and four brigade-level units are located within the it.
