In the reserve
Once you have completed the conscript service part of the liability for military service, you will be mustered out in the Finnish Defence Forces’ reserve. As part of the reserve, your competence and know-how will be sustained by refresher training exercises. In addition, voluntary training exercises and training events will be arranged for the reservists.
The Finnish Defence Forces’ reserve comprises approximately 900,000 Finnish citizens. The wartime strength of the Finnish Defence Forces is 280,000 soldiers, and this strength is resupplied by other reservists as applicable.
As a person liable for military service you will be part of the reserve until you turn fifty or sixty. Those in the rank and file transfer into the auxiliary reserve at the end of the year when they turn 50, whereas the reserve officers and non-commissioned officers remain in the reserve until the end of the year when they turn 60.
This site provides you information on the rights and benefits of reservists as well as on refresher training exercises.
OmaIntti online service
OmaIntti is a digital service intended for persons liable for military service. OmaIntti consolidates on its interface the online contents and access services of the Finnish Defence Forces utilising strong authentication and providing bespoke and personalised information relating to the varying phases of the liability for military service. It allows persons liable for military service to check their own information including wartime task and promotions. It also includes a possibility to update contact and equipment information. The scope and range of this information will vary depending on the given phase of the liability for military service.
OmaIntti allows access for all persons liable for military service aged 18-60 (excl. service personnel of the Finnish Defence Forces and of the Finnish Border Guard), and for women aged 18-29 interested in the voluntary military service for women, by means of strong authentication online at omaintti.fiLink to an external website.
Regional Offices serve the reservists
The Regional OfficesLink to an external website look after all matters relating to reservists. You are always welcome to visit your Regional Office to get information about your set wartime placement, refresher training exercises as well as voluntary national defence. You can also obtain an excerpt from the conscript register with your personal details. The conscript register comprises the personal identification and military training information necessary for placement purposes.
You can also update at the Regional Office the details concerning the studies you have completed after mustering out as well as all competence acquired that may impact on your wartime placement.
As part of the FDF reserve, you need to keep the Regional Office aware of your home place of residence by notifying the Population Register Centre of home address changes.