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You become liable for call-up and thus liable for participating in the call-up event in the year you turn 18.

The call-ups are organised annually from August to December. At the call-ups, you will receive information on the conscript service and it is worth reserving a full day for this purpose. The call-ups are based on the Conscription ActLink to an external website.

At the call-up, your identity information will be verified, your state of health checked, and your wishes heard concerning your conscript service. On the basis of the information available, your suitability, fitness for military service, will be assessed and determined. Furthermore, your service period and service location will be assigned or possible exemption decided from military service.

It is worth preparing for the call-up in advance by becoming familiar with the versatile service tasks. If you are able to voice a wish for a particular service location or service task already during the call-up event, it will become easier to ensure that you get to serve in tasks that you deem most optimal.

The information accrued as part of the preliminary medical examination will inform evaluating an applicant’s state of health.

Please note! A person liable for military service must attend the call-up personally. Absence from the call-up can only be authorised by the regional office. If you are unable to attend the call-up listed in the call-up notice, contact your regional office. Unlawful (for example a serious illness) absence from a call-up is an offence punishable by the Conscription ActLink to an external website. More information about the obligation to attend the call-up can be found in your call-up notice and your regional officeLink to an external website.

Please bring along:

  • A passport, driving licence, or other official identification card
  • A medical certificate if your state of health has undergone changes after the health examination that will affect your fitness for service

You will receive a call-up notice in the post

You will receive a call-up notice in the post well in advance before the call-up date in the beginning of the call-up year. This notice indicates the call-up date and location complemented by the set questionnaires for conscript service and medical examination together with instructions concerning the health examination as well as a conscript booklet. Please hold on to the call-up notice not to miss your set call-up date!

Fill out the questionnaire

The information provided on the "Questionnaire concerning military service and for the evaluation of your state of health" will affect determining your fitness for service as well as assigning your service location and service task. Please fill out the questionnaire carefully and bring the form along to the preliminary health examination. The authorities handling the information that you provide remain bound to confidentiality. You will receive this questionnaire in the post as part of the call-up post or online available hereLink to an external website.

Go through a health check-up

Before the call-ups that are scheduled to take place in the autumn, you will go through a health check-up organised in the municipal health center of your home municipality. You will receive detailed information of the health check-up in the post at your home address. Please note that a youth health certificate does not exempt you from this preliminary physical examination.

Please bring with you to the health examination:

  • The "Questionnaire concerning military service and for the evaluation of your state of health"
  • A driving licence, passport, or an official ID issued by the Finnish Police
  • A social security card (Kela card)
  • Possible earlier medical certificates (incl. the youth health certificate), x-rays, vaccination certificates, eyeglass prescriptions as well as eyesight and/or hearing certificates

Determine a suitable service time

The general induction times for entry into service take place twice a year in January and July. It is advisable to start the service as soon as possible after graduating, prior to starting a family and continuing with long-term studies. It is possible to change the date for entry into service by an application.

Familiarise yourself with the brigade-level units and tasks

It tends to be the case that you will be ordered to enter to service in a brigade-level unit located close to your municipality of residence. The objective is that the military training that you undertake and the service task assigned to you correspond to your civilian education, line of profession, future plans, skills set as well as your pastime activities.

Try and clarify your wishes concerning the prospective service branch and military training already before the call-up event. This involves thinking about which tasks would allow you to utilise your civilian competence and skills as well as which type of military training would benefit your (you) optimally in the future. Please speak up and voice your wishes to the call-up board!

Become familiar with the versatile service tasks.

Call-up notices

Attention! The location for the call-up in Rautalampi/Vesanto 29.8. (North Savo) has changed. The address for the new location: Kunnanvirasto, Kuopiontie 11, 77700 Rautalampi

Dates for entry into service and mustering out

Finnish Army, Navy, Air Force and Border Guard

Beginning of service Mustering out
Contingent 165 days 255 days 347 days
I/2024 08.01.2024 20.06.2024 18.09.2024 19.12.2024
II/2024 08.07.2024 19.12.2024 19.03.2025 19.06.2025
I/2025 06.01.2025 19.06.2025 17.09.2025 18.12.2025
II/2025 07.07.2025 18.12.2025 18.03.2026 18.06.2026
I/2026 05.01.2026 18.06.2026 16.09.2026 17.12.2026
II/2026 06.07.2026 17.12.2026 17.03.2027 17.6.2027 
I/2027 04.01.2027 17.06.2027 15.09.2027 16.12.2027
II/2027 05.07.2027 16.12.2027 15.03.2028 15.06.2028